Frank Boffa

Boffa Miskell Partners, P O Box 11340, Wellington

Bringing Nature Back Into the City
In recent years development and growth has tended to ignore natural values and has effectively driven nature out of our cities and urban areas. However, in recent years there has been a growing awareness and recognition that nature and natural systems are an important component of the urban environment and our quality of life. While rehabilitation associated with mining, landfill and similar projects are well advanced in terms of applications and techniques in the rural landscape, the restoration and creation of nature within the urban environment are not as advanced or evident.

This paper will focus on a number of urban projects in the Wellington region which seek to “break new ground” with regard to protecting and managing existing natural features (Wellington Town Belt), demonstrating what can be achieved (Bush City at Te Papa), new initiatives (Wellington City Greening Project) and the rehabilitation of an urban infrastructure project (Decommissioning of the Waikanae Wastewater Plant).

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